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How to Steer a Drifting Culture

Gallup Workplace
SOURCE: https://www.gallup.com/workplace/397034/steer-drifting-culture.aspx?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=p_social&utm_campaign=li-wk_culture-us-legen&utm_content=051923

In recent years, definitions of work culture -- "how we do things around here" -- have changed tremendously. Many aspects (e.g., processes, technology, workflows, training) are morphing as leaders adapt to global pressures and new employee expectations.

Some shifts are obvious, such as dramatic changes in where employees work. However, most culture change is subtle, slow and difficult to define. For example, culture change might manifest as:

  • differences in onboarding experiences and how new hires form relationships
  • shifts in team structures and workflows due to external pressures, such as supply chain concerns
  • new communication norms aimed at keeping hybrid employees connected

Culture drift may...

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Using Empathy to Build Trust


Today we're talking about using Empathy to build trust. Standing in someone else's shoes. People want their opinions to count. They want to weigh in.   

 Let's start with the idea of a Paradigm: a pattern/model/map of your mind and how you see the world. We see the world subjectively through our own lens. Our paradigm is comprised of values, beliefs, gender, age, race, politics, education, history, expectations etc...  

A mature person can recognize and honor their own paradigm. They are able to view the world through their own paradigm, but have the energy, respect and maturity to see someone else's paradigm. They hear what others have to say. Learn to see the world from someone else's paradigm.  

 An immature person sees their own paradigm and that's it. Other opinions don't count, they don't care for anyone else. It's really all about themselves.  


1: Reflecting: Rephrasing content back. Provides clarity....

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