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Care at Work

#wednesdaywords Dec 15, 2021


  • Care and the relationships we build are really the glue that hold great work groups & companies together.
  • A great workplace is one where you feel you can experiment, share information, and challenge each other.
  • Team Leaders are the #1 factors for long term organizational success. 
  • People don’t leave companies, they leave managers.
  • Bringing care to the workplace is a natural concept especially for leadership.

#BigSkyWay #BigSkyWayMT #CareAtWork #Care #employeeretention #LeadershipSkills #Leadership #GoodLeaders #Leaders #Manager #ManagementSkills #Managers

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Do you feel your employee's opinions are being counted?

  •  People are sometimes afraid to provide input because the leader has already spoken.
  •  You’re more likely to get buy in when you have weigh in.
  •  Seek first to understand, then be understood.


#BigSkyWay #BigSkyWaymt #Covey #StephenCovey #Listening #Skills #Leadership #Leaders #Leadershipskills #effectiveleaders #effectivemanagers #Manager #Managers

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Stress Resilience

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2021

#WednesdayWords is here!

This week's topic is about Stress Resilience and using a tool called #HeartMath.

Check it out!


#BigSkyWay #BigSkyWaymt #heartrhythm #stress #stressresilience

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#wednesdaywords Nov 24, 2021

Great leaders are able to have conversations around obstacles.

  • Our job as effective leaders is to really listen and understand what those obstacles for our employees are.
  • Leaders will find work arounds to accommodate everyone even if there is a small budget.
  • Leaders that have these kinds of conversations with their teams have less turnover.

#BigSkyWay #BigSkyWaymt #Obstacles #Conversations #Leadership #leaders #Leadershipskills #Leader #Manager #Managers #GreatLeaders #Teams #Team

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Recognition at Work

  • People leave their jobs because they don't feel appreciated!
  • Recognition is a fundamental concept!
  • Great leaders know how to give meaningful recognition when it's deserved.

#WednesdayWords #BigSkyWay #BigSkyWaytmt #Recognition #MeaningfulRecognition #leadershipskills #leadership #leaders #meaning #purpose

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Strength Based Leadership

Uncategorized Nov 11, 2021

One of the most powerful strategies a manager and organization can implement is providing employees with opportunities to apply the best of their natural selves — their talents — as well as their skills and knowledge. This all begins with hiring the right person for the right job. They have identified the needed talents for the job and make the right fit. Promotions are also built around matching the most talented employee with the right job. Great managers have conversations around “what do you do best…what do you like about this job?” Fitting talents to create ‘team-fit’ is much more successful than filling all job descriptions. Just as a great team builds an offense around their great players, great organizations should find ways to build around their talent.
Outstanding performance is a result of all employees knowing what they do best and having the opportunity to do it in their role every day. Regardless of role, having the opportunity...

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Meetings: Action Plans

#wednesdaywords Nov 10, 2021
#WednesdayWords is here!

Are you running meetings as effectively as possible?

Create efficiency and effectiveness by putting these tips into play and you'll be able to create healthy accountability for the whole team.

#BigSkyWay #BigSkyWaymt #meetings #effectivemeetings #Communication
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Meeting ROI

#wednesdaywords Nov 10, 2021

Are you getting the best value from your meetings?
Too many meetings? Not enough?

Calculate your meeting ROI with this simple formula!

#BigSkyWay #BigSkyWaymt #WednesdayWords #MeetingROI #Calculate #Meetings #ROI

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Tactical vs. Strategic Meetings

#wednesdaywords Nov 10, 2021
Are you running meetings as effectively as possible?
These two types of meetings (tactical and strategic) often get blended. When you're having a tactical meeting and a strategic item comes up, move it over to a new meeting agenda.
Check out this video for tips on conducting smoother, more efficient, effective meetings.
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One-on-One Performance Conversations

#wednesdaywords Dec 02, 2020

How to have successful one on one conversations with your employees. A few tips to help you get started. Take a listen!

#WednesdayWords #BigSkyWa#BigSkyWaymt #oneonone #effectivemeetings #Communication #conversations #performanceconversations 

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